Everything about making this bathroom change happen relied on asking friends for their help and opinions about everything. Asking my friends about selecting the right color, to purchasing plumbing parts from Grover's brought a smile to my face, it was truly a collaborative process. Without the help of my girlfriends and my sweetheart, Tom, I would not have enjoyed the process so much. With their help and encouragement I was able to: completely remove all old wallpaper; heat off all of the old lead based paint; remove the toilet & sink; rip up the old flooring; hang the new wallpaper; install a dimmer switch; install new valves for my toilet and sink; and host a long time planned party just 2 hours after I finished reconnecting the water supply. Whew!

The photo collage shows the new floor and linoleum that Tom installed; the paper on the walls that Gayle, Shirley and I hung; the toilet with its new birch seat (Patricia helped me lift it into the tub when I first started); and the cabinets with their mat inserts. I'd been hunting all over for chair caining, but couldn't find a place to sell me such a small amount. I remembered a set of placemats I'd picked up while vacationing in Fiji several years ago that had just been gathering dust. So, I removed the old punched tin inserts, whipped a zigzag stitch to the measured edges of my mat, and tacked the new mats into place. I LOVE MY NEW BATHROOM, it feels like an expensive spa to me. Armoatherapy candles, anyone?
I'm addicted. Please may I have more?
a-r-o-m-a-t-h-e-r-a-p-y - xox
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