Friday night brought more fun via another blow-out gala event at Robbin and Angelines house! Everyone came in a costume, and we all intoduced ourselves by our fantasy names. There was a squaw named Running Kick in the Pants, a lady who was most enjoyable to talk with. Another clever costume, fashioned by Rumpled Foreskin, consisted of gloves sewn to a bra and panties, kinda a map or directions to fun. As the light grew dimmer the base materials disappeared, making her costume look like just the gloves attached directly to her. Handy costumer, that! A couple of men of the cloth, who weren't so interested in me, Della Dumone, a high class call girl from Paulina, Oregon, as much as they were interested in finding a scout troup of little boys.
What I enjoyed most about this dress up party was the freedom of most people to borrow from the opposite gender, items reserved exclusively for defining feminity and masculinity. Several revelers crossed over that line with much success. The host stashed a small bottle of booze in his ample cleavage, clicking his castinettes and dancing seductively in his belly dance finery. The lady of the house wore her favorite leather chaps and black fishnet stockings, leaving a wake of adoring smiles as she'd walk past.

I loved being Della Dumone, a high class call girl from Paulina, Oregon. Wearing a touchably soft sheepskin skirt and vest, with a sexy black boustier underneath encouraged my glimpse into my "new" profession. My thanks for the friendship shared with that afternoon with Jessica Vinyard who transformed my face from $100 to $1000, for my night of uncommon glamour. Here's to girlfriends!

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