Sunday, April 09, 2006

Bitwixt Birthdays Hash

Have you visited the link I have to the right for Ashland Hash House Harriers yet? If not, find some time to browse there, Wonder will have more photos of this hash posted when the write up is submitted. Sherpa, who celebrated his birthday on the 10th, and I, who celebrated my birthday on the 8th, co-hared the last Sunday hash on the day between our birthdays - hence the name, Betwixt Birthdays Hash. We had so much fun planning this. Not being a strong runner I needed some brilliant strategy to keep from being caught by the hounds.

So, we made a very nice trap for them at Fire Station 3 on the corner of Highland and Siskiyou. Here is just a small example of the fun the hashers had there. After getting that bright red fire truck all shiney the hounds ran further east though a cemetary, over a cyclone fence, and back to what I'd heard described at the On-In as "the best beer stop ever".
It really would have been more of a surprise just exactly where "the best beer stop ever" was, in my opinion, if Baggy hadn't been sitting outside of it when all the Ashland folks drove past Paradise Footwear. And, a special thanks to Tom, owner of Paradise Footwear, for being such a gracious host and accommodating the wine and beer and the load of runners trotting into his shop. I wish that I could have been enjoying a glass of wine at the beer stop, too, but I had to scoot back to my place to prepare for the On-In. I served chili, corn bread, salad, and Sherpa made a very yummy spice birthday cake. After eating our fill, Back Door Banger became a dj and we danced until the sun went down. That is Hot Karl dancing with my mannequin, and even the shy Llama managed a couple of moves with me on my hardwood dance floor. Ah, what a night!


Anonymous said...

The hug: How romantic!

Tom's cherry-red nose:

1. He got it from running.
2. He got it from drinking.
3. None of your business.
4. All of the above.

Anonymous said...

Hi Colleen, How much fun reading your blog! Looks like you had a great b-day!
Your Friend, Laura

Anonymous said...

You are a delightful person. What a fine afternoon I had with you today.
Your friend,
A. N. Onymous